Exploring Coil Types in Electronic Cigarettes: Mesh vs. Round Wire vs. Ceramic

Exploring Coil Types in Electronic Cigarettes: Mesh vs. Round Wire vs. Ceramic

Chris Mills |

In the world of vaping, the choice of coil can significantly impact your overall experience. Coils are a vital component of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) that heat the e-liquid to produce vapor. Among the various types available, three popular options are mesh coils, round wire coils, and ceramic coils. In this blog post, we'll dive into the key differences between these coil types to help you make an informed decision when choosing the right one for your vaping needs.

  1. Mesh Coils

Mesh coils have gained popularity in recent years for their unique design and exceptional performance. Instead of traditional round wire, mesh coils are made from a fine mesh material, often stainless steel or Kanthal. Here are some notable features of mesh coils:

Large Surface Area: Mesh coils offer a larger surface area for e-liquid to come into contact with, resulting in faster and more even heating. This results in improved flavor and vapor production.

Rapid Heating: Due to their design, mesh coils heat up quickly and evenly. This minimizes the chances of dry hits and ensures a smoother vaping experience.

Longer Lifespan: Mesh coils tend to have a longer lifespan compared to round wire coils, primarily because they distribute heat more evenly, reducing the risk of hotspots that can lead to coil degradation.

Versatility: Mesh coils are versatile and can be used with various vaping styles, including direct lung (DL) and mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaping. They are suitable for both beginners and experienced vapers.

  1. Round Wire Coils

Round wire coils were the most common choice until a few years ago when mesh coils started to gain prominence. These traditional coils are made from simple round wires, typically Kanthal, nichrome, or stainless steel.

Ease of Use: Round wire coils are easy to build and install, making them an excellent choice for vapers who prefer to build their own coils.

Balanced Performance: While they may not offer the same surface area as mesh coils, round wire coils provide a balanced performance with good flavor and vapor production.

Customizability: Vapers can experiment with different wire materials, gauges, and coil configurations to fine-tune their vaping experience to their liking.

  1. Ceramic Coils

Ceramic coils are a relatively newer addition to the vaping scene. Instead of using metal wire, these coils incorporate a ceramic core to heat the e-liquid. Here are the key features of ceramic coils:

Pure Flavor: Ceramic coils are praised for delivering pure and clean flavor profiles. They don't introduce any metallic taste or impurities into the vapor.

Consistency: Ceramic coils offer consistent heating, reducing the risk of hotspots or burnt hits. This consistency ensures a smooth and enjoyable vaping experience.

Longevity: Ceramic coils tend to have a longer lifespan than traditional coils. They are less prone to gunk buildup, which can extend their usability.

Less Vapor Production: One drawback of ceramic coils is that they generally produce less vapor compared to mesh or round wire coils. This may not be ideal for cloud chasers.


The choice between mesh, round wire, and ceramic coils ultimately depends on your vaping preferences and priorities. Mesh coils excel in flavor and vapor production, while round wire coils offer versatility and ease of use. Ceramic coils are ideal for those who prioritize pure flavor and longevity. Experimentation and personal preference will play a significant role in determining which type of coil is right for you. Always consider factors like your vaping style, experience level, and the type of e-liquid you prefer when making your decision.